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AATV is the acronym for OTCBB Adaptive Ad Systems Inc., an organization that is dedicated to the transmission of all aspects of video and digital media communications, which in alliance with subsidiary manufacturers, develops and implements dynamic marketing of DDAI digital signage advertising, media transmission hardware and proprietary processing software for all cable, satellite and IPTV broadcast television markets.



AATV, Adaptive Ad System Inc., from its inception focused on second and third tier cable television company networks, but has evolved to provide a diversity of services to cable television systems of all levels and sizes, with a digital ad insertion technology and revenue sharing model to overcome the barriers, which under normal circumstances prevent the introduction of both national and local advertising products, in all of these network locations.



AATV, Adaptive Ad Systems seeks to make exclusive sales of all advertising that is available to each market that is contracted, while maintaining ownership of all technology and implementing models that represent a profit-sharing advantage to its clientele. In this way, the company, its technology and its business model provide a dynamic, proactive and cost-effective way to serve the more than 75 marketing zones across more than 40 states in the United States.



In addition to cable television AATV, Adaptive Ad Systems Inc. offers broadband within niche markets, leveraging broadband remains more competitive.

Adaptive Ad Systems

This AATV system provides advertisers based in the U.S. with the opportunity to contract advertisements to be inserted in groups linked to the Adaptive digital television advertising system, and these are added to the impressions in the small individual systems. Adaptive Ad Systems manages all activities related to advertising, providing technical support, sales, programming and billing, establishing innovative revenue sharing agreements with the individual systems, according to the number of subscribers.

AATV Stocks Price

The AATV stocks price is currently at $0.59 having been the previous close of $0.50. This variation is estimated in day range, between 8 am and 4 pm, and a variation of $0.50 to $0.53 in week range, according to data provided in real time by the exchanges.



According to the stock screeners’ information between February 1 and February 4, 2021, there is a volume of 2,805 shares and change of 0.09 and AATV’s security details on its stock structure has a market cap of 23,996,961, with 500,000,000 shares authorized for February 1, 2021, and 48,013,128 shares outstanding, float 14,972,000 and par value 0.001 as of June 30, 2020.



The shares of Adaptive Ad Systems inc, in 2014 had a symbol change from PRCMD to AATV.

AATV economics news

AATV has provided financial performance information throughout the company’s history in this regard during its third quarters, although business disruptions are still ongoing and impacts on corporate earnings across the country, AATV is estimating sales revenue in relation to the fourth quarter of 2020, which they say will continue to be stronger than the equivalent quarter last year when the situation corresponded to an out-of-election scenario.


Adaptive ad systems inc. expects that the large volume of revenue for the fourth quarter will be the best in the company’s history, setting a revenue record for the last several quarters.


As reported in Vancouver last November, when the initial guidance for the last quarter of 2020 was released in a press release, Adaptive Ad Systems Inc. along with its subsidiary companies, ad systems provides the dynamic digital ad insertion opportunity DDAI.


 All of this is done with the broadcast media by making available all of its hardware and software for processing, which is patented for use in the U.S. cable television markets, its streaming media and wireless Internet service that is fixed very high speed WISP, through the large network of points for hybrid access and Micro POP.


AATV’s CEO has said that it is understandable the concern of customers, shareholders and the public about the impact that the Covid-19 pandemic has caused in business


 AATV’s teams have worked hard to offer its customers uninterrupted services in all systems, cable television, ad systems, adaptive broadband, and together with all this generates that advertising has increased, no matter how complicated the situations have been.


AATV maintained its activity and commitment and continued to develop its business plans, aggressively implementing new technologies and new services, something that has not happened in the history of Adaptive Ad Systems Inc., in addition to this achievement, advertising investment has remained solid in the fourth quarter of 2020 and significantly more revenue has been obtained than other years in that same period during the existence of AATV.


Adaptive ad systems announcements on cable television systems in the Georgia Senate runoff election reached record high levels.


In mid-December 2020 in Vancouver, Adaptive Ad Systems Inc. OTC PINK: AATV, it was revealed that advertising sales for the December campaign continued unabated, and the campaign advertising revenues had previously been projected to continue into December and early January.


After October and November 2020, months of record revenue, and as if that were not enough, higher revenues were reported compared to August and September of any previous AATV year.


Previously reported that with its national cable advertising network, AATV includes several systems in Georgia, Adaptive Ad Systems Inc. sells and does ad insertion on more than 15 cable television systems throughout Georgia, covering many market demographics, such as Atlanta, Albany, Columbus and Macon, and also uses systems to cover and service all smaller communities.


The incidence that has caused the presidential election in Georgia, has been for more than 12,000 votes where there were variations in these results, negative votes, where each of these votes in every town and in every city in Georgia was important to establish control in the U.S. Senate, with this election throughout the state.


This has prompted the respective candidates and political parties to look to continue to make large investments in television advertising, and that is where AATV’s specialized sales and technology teams are working during the vacation season to satisfy both sides and complete the entire digital ad insertion throughout the month of December.


Adaptive Ad Systems tests its services in Salem, Oregon


In the last week of December 2020 Adaptive Ad Systems, Inc. OTC PINK: AATV, announces that its subsidiary, Adaptive Broadband remains, beta testing its wireless, fixed and high-speed broadband services at a new tower location in West Salem, Oregon.


ABB has become a WISP wireless Internet service provider that can deliver high-speed wireless and fixed broadband to any type of residential and small business, and has established itself in this market as an expert in serving small metropolitan and rural areas, Currently operating in very select areas of Oregon, this AATV subsidiary offers very competitive Internet speeds, featuring upload speeds and download speeds that are symmetrical and reliable, no contracts, no data limits and no installation charges, all at very competitive prices.


The infrastructure of all network components was upgraded in 2019, and the network of transmission towers also had its expansion process, all this set of upgrades were completed during 2020, these actions allowed ABB to offer its Internet service access in non-urban areas that had limitations for Internet access in a comfortable and easy way.


One of Adaptive Broadband’s senior officers and general manager, Mr. Jordan Reed, reported that the company’s most current tower site was secured a couple of months ago, and that new state-of-the-art equipment was installed and connected to the site, which is approximately 43 meters high, and is of strategic importance to the company’s expansion plans, which continue in some counties, such as Marion and Polk in Oregon.


The tower’s location and site characteristics will provide Adaptive Broadband with the opportunity to meet the growing demand of the large customer database for the next five-year period. These aspects of the company’s service will efficiently increase throughput in the area, as well as implement protective redundancies to strengthen the entire network in Adaptive Broadband’s broadband region.


In this way, AATV’s subsidiary will be able to offer with certainty high speed internet services, and by obtaining a substantial decrease in transmission costs, it will be able to offer attractive rates with very low prices to customers, which will result in an excellent competitive positioning of the company in the region.


Construction of Adaptive Broadband Headquarters


AATV’s subsidiary published information that refers to the construction of facilities that will serve as headquarters, which will begin in the first three months of 2021, thus increasing the capacity to offer broadband and video service at very low prices, which will make the company more competitive throughout the northwest area of the country, with this expansion of fixed base to its infrastructure ABB seeks to obtain a model that will serve to initiate the expansion to other states.


AATV’s CEO, Adaptive Ad Systems, indicated that ABB continues to accelerate the process of developing the innovative technology it uses to deliver the highest broadband speeds and ensure that they are the fastest and lowest priced in the market, with the expectation of becoming the absolute leader in the broadband industry, covering all rural areas, while simultaneously preparing to deploy its services to broader urban communities.


AATV Announces Cable Television System Upgrades


In mid-January of the new year 2021 Adaptive Ad Systems Inc. OTC PINK AATV, made announcements about upgrades to its cable systems, and its expansion into digital ad insertion, which were continued throughout 2020 in many states across the United States.


 Adaptive Ad Systems was able to execute a very high number of upgrades, keeping pace with the growing demand for digital ad insertion through its nationwide network of AATV owned cable television.


The subsidiary companies together with AATV maintain in their offerings the DDAI, Dynamic Digital Ad Insertion, through all their systems, both in hardware for media transmission and in software for processing, which is patented for use in all markets in which the cable television service is present in the U.S., as well as the very high speed wireless and fixed Internet service, WISP, managing to keep a very high and expanding customer base captive.


Throughout the year 2020 and throughout the previous years, Adaptive Ad Systems has managed to expand in a constant and significant way the entire digital ad insertion network in the country, these services are currently provided to more than 200 network systems, which the company has installed in almost 40 states, and these services are provided to facilities ranging from residential to commercial and other types, such as educational levels, providing the service to 47 universities.


CEO J Michael Heil, gave information about the logistical challenges faced by AATV during the year 2020, indicating that despite the adverse situations, the company has managed to accelerate its processes in upgrades and conversions in equipment insertion of analog ads to digital ad insertion in progress, with all these updates has increased in a forceful way the number of cable channels, to carry out the insertions in terms of digital advertising is concerned.


The idea is to provide a really solid foundation for the network to maintain continued growth, and the upgrade of the systems has been carried out in the area of 8 states, and has acquired preliminary interface type hardware, looking for the installation of their additional adaptive systems to cover with these services in the area of six states, which can be named North Dakota, Massachusetts, North Carolina, New Mexico, Tennessee and Wyoming.


The purchase of this type of hardware is preceding the purchase and installation of the new servers to be implemented, which will contain the proprietary configurations and software.


The upgrade of these analog systems to digital transmissions will increase and double the available ad inventory available to AATV customers, with the six newest systems already installed, adding more than 25,000 new subscribers, increasing the insertion of cable television ads and generating further revenue growth.


The plan is to aggressively expand the entire AATV network by 2021, in order to be prepared for the upcoming election season in mid-2022, which is expected to have a high volume and increased demand for ad insertion, which is expected to be numerous.

AATV’s All-Time Revenue Record

At the end of January 2021, AATV announced in Vancouver that the Company reached a historic revenue milestone of $1.3 million in its December 2020 operations, making it record revenue.


The highest revenue AATV had ever achieved prior to 2020 for a final month of the year was $429,000, which has meant that revenues generated in December 2020 easily reached a 200 percent increase.


It is expected that January 2021 revenues will soon be reported to reach historic figures for AATV as well.


The adaptive bandwidth is still more competitive than any competitors largest, although they appear larger, an advantage that yields many benefits to AATV is that the subsidiary does not impose limits on the use of its bandwidth.

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