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Penny Stocks List


This list of the best penny stocks for 2021.  The list has been gathered by our penny stock screeners, to identify the top 10 penny stocks traded on the Nasdaq, NYSE, OTC Markets, and Canadian stock Exchanges, for the 3rd quarter.  This list will update on the 1st of October.

The list of screened penny stocks for 2021 is not a paid-for listing and should not be taken as recommendations to buy sell or hold any of the penny stocks listed.  The list of penny stocks is not comprehensive and all-inclusive.  The list should be used for further research, and as a starting point.  When trading any asset, it is advised to utilize due diligence, as penny stock trading is often volatile. Use this list of penny stocks to further your education in trading and research.

OTC Markets Penny Stock List

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TSX Stock LIst

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NYSE Stock List

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Nasdaq Stock List

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